The end is near, the dream is shattered, and hope is fading.

The Woodland Realm has fallen to the dark world, and is caught in an endless war masterminded by the vile and cruel Lance Knox.

The once busy town at Loxley, no longer visible and hidden behind the high stone walls built with magic by the dark sorceress of the Raven, shrouded in silence can offer no support as the last bastion of freedom gathers.

Questions lie unanswered, as with each passing minute the future looks bleaker. With Runestone trapped, and the Green Lord of the woodland missing, the hopes and dreams of the green realm are dying. The only hope now lies with The Seer of Fae.

[Published Works]
Heirs to the Kingdom : Book Seven
The Bridge of Sequana

Robin John Morgan
ISBN 978-1-910299-17~3
There is darkness and evil fuelling despair across the country.
The Dream is Shattered and Hope is fading
Available Now
Heirs to the Kingdom Book Seven : The Bridge of Sequana
The Most
Desperate,Gripping, Heartbreaking, and Mind Blowing Instalment of the series to date.

Available Now