The official web page of Robin John Morgan, Author to the 'Heirs to the Kingdom' series of books.
Robin John Morgan, was born in Cheadle, Cheshire, UK, in February 1964, the third of four children. Before he was one year old, he moved to Farnworth in Bolton, where he spent the first three years of his life. Shortly after starting school, his parents separated and he came to live in Hyde, Cheshire, where he grew up with his brothers in a house that bordered the bottom of Werneth Low, and the edge of the Peak District.

He describes himself as a relatively quiet person, who enjoys the simple things in life. He has a deep love of the wild, and all things plant related, which has led him into spending his entire working life in the Horticultural profession. In recent years he has worked as a self employed horticulturist where he ran a successful small markets based business. He works today as a full time writer, living with his wife and children. He is somewhat reclusive, as he prefers the slow quiet pace of his life now, which is a stark contrast to his previous working life in Horticulture, of which he says, "I have not given up horticulture, I just made the choice to no longer do it for money."

Writing for Robin has been something he has always done for relaxation, and as a means of creative expression, he is quoted as stating, "I am a terrible painter, so I find it easier to express myself through words."
He has never planned to publish anything he has written, and has been content over the years to simply allow those close to him to read his work. In his opinion he has never felt very confident putting his work out to the rest of the world, and although he has been very uncertain at times about his books, it was an overwhelming demand for his story of the HTTK series that prompted him to allow the books to be published. It was his father who finally convinced him that it was a project worth doing and he decided to seek a publisher.

In late 2007 his horticultural business came to an end after a two year fight to prevent the local council from demolishing his market garden shop at Denton in Manchester, UK. The battle was a long and hard one that affected his trade, and as a result he walked away deciding to leave the markets forever. Having more time on his hands, he began to re-write the HTTK tale, which had been an off-on project for over fifteen years, and finally after many attempts and rejections (Fantasy Adventure to risky to finance), he decided to use a new company that allowed him to be closely involved with the publishing process. His first book 'Heirs to the Kingdom Part One : The Bowman of Loxley' was released in April 2009, and having spent two years writing prior to its publication, he released the second part 'The Lost sword of Carnac' in October 2009, with the third in the series, 'The Darkness of Dunnottar' released in November 2010, and the fourth book "The Queen of the Violet Isle" to be released once completed, followed by the rest of the series, of which Robin has not as yet given a final total.

In late 2013, Robin began to grow dispondent as he felt his books could be formatted much better. He was doing most of the publicity and boosting the sales of his books while he felt the publisher did very little, while earning the greater share of the income from the books. After a great deal of thought, he made what was the risky decision to move away from his publisher and set up his own company,the result was the launch of Violet Circle Publishing, that launched in January 2014. As his contract ended and his books were withdrawn from sale, Robin set about doing a complete re-edit of all the books as revised second editions, which he felt improved the quality of the formats and also the content. He said at the time, "my writing has greatly improved over the last few years, and so I wanted to polish the books, and make them the best I can."

The New revised editions were published by VCP through May 2014 followed by the fourth book 'Queen of the Violet Isle' in June 2014. Book five 'Crystals of the Mirrored Waters' was released in February 2015, Book Six 'last Arrow of the Woodland Realm was released in October 2016. Book seven, Birdge of Sequana was released September 2016, and the final book of the series 'Circle of Darkness, was released in July 2020.

With Kingdom completed, Robin has turned to other works, of which the first will be released in 2021, a modern day fictional story about two university friends, titled Abigail's Summer, he is also working on side stories for Kindom. He has stated, he wants to challenge himself as a writer, and try some stand alone stories, to see where that goes.

   Writer  of the Heirs to the kingdom Robin, seems to look back on a filled life, and draw from many areas in his world. His life has been spent working around people, as most of it has been spent in the horticultural trade. Talking to people with a wide smile and calm manner, has been almost a daily occurrence for the last twenty years.

     Here is a man who will sit and look at life, and then discuss what he sees and feels, about the world around him. People watching has always been a way of life, looking at the surrounding world, and seeing without the rose tinted glasses is when he is at his happiest. If you decide to sit by the side of this sometimes quiet man, you will find if you talk, he will become very talkative, and maybe you will be surprised at what he has to say.

      Robin can get very despondent with the world, as he slips from being the happy and very sociable person, to a quiet solitary figure, and it is in this area of his life that he has taken his thoughts and feelings, from the many conversations of his life of experiences, and looked hard at what is before him. From somewhere deep inside, has come a realm of magic and wonder, filled with people who are as different as chalk and cheese, and yet all of them interact in a very delightful way.

      The Heirs to the kingdom series of books is the result of at least fifteen years of thought. When you read the story, you are caught in a world that is filled with fantasy and escapism, and yet somehow you are drawn deeper into the pages, and you quickly realize that there is a world as real as the one you live in, carefully layered together like the layers of an onion. Here is the hooded realm of the woodsmen, who fight the same daily struggles, with all of the problems of your own life, and yet Robin has managed to get you to want desperately to help and support his characters, face their own lives.

       Robin is a child of the sixties and seventies, a decade he loves with great affection, so it is easy to see how the characters of Mad Harry and Magg's have appeared. His days of the long hair, bikers and hippies come right to the surface, in all of the colour from his life in those times. Today he is very much a family man devoted to his wife and children. If you look deep enough, you will see the love and care of every person, and the world in which we live are very much fundamental parts of who he is.

       The modern world of community destruction and greed, very much mark the person who has written these stories, and for him it is a sad reflection of modern living. Modern machines, money and designer labels appear to mean more to people than the simple beauty of a flower, Robin has always stated that, “People see trees every day, and yet they never look at them.” Heirs to the Kingdom, shows the many contrasting qualities of humankind, through the eyes of the author, and you begin a process of reflection that lets you see another world that could have been ours had the world took a different direction.

These are skillfully crafted books, that will leave you thinking long after you have put them down, it is a tribute to the way they have been written.

                                                                                       (Jo Lane is a writer, and friend of Robin, who has known and obseved him for many years.)
Creator of another realm, by Jo Lane.

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At Home. Photo taken by: Rin Morgan
Launch of Book One; Photo by Bex Morgan
Talking Live on Radio: Photo by Rin Morgan.
Dad and Baby Iona 2009: Photo by Jo Lane.
Illustrator Of the first editions Louis and The Author:
          Photo by Bex Morgan.
Family with Louis promoting:
Photo Taken By  Hayley Dodd
Harry for Halloween: Photo By Alfie Morgan.
Man of the trees: Photo by Jo Lane.
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Heirs to the Kingdom and all related links to this site are protected under copyright. © Robin John Morgan. Heirs to the Kingdom. 2009/2010/2011/2012/2014/2015/2021
. No reproduction either by electronic digital or printed means without the written prior consent of the Author Robin John Morgan.
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RJM in 2008 : Photo by Ted Morgan.
The Revised VCP Second Editions.
Photo @VCP 2015